Top Rated Event Ticketing Software | VBO Tickets



Cart Abandonment Recovery

What Is Cart Abandonment Recovery?

As an event promoter, cart abandonment recovery can be your secret weapon in ensuring a successful ticket sales process. This clever tool allows you to communicate with your potential attendees who engage with your events and other items within VBO Tickets. By encouraging patrons to provide contact details or log in before making a purchase, you can easily identify those who add tickets to their cart but don’t follow through with the transaction. Then, send an automatic email to incentivize them to complete their purchase.

Increase patron satisfaction

With cart abandonment recovery, you’ll gather customer contact information and send personalized messages to remind them to come back and complete their purchases. With easy access to their cart items and a simple checkout process, it offers convenience for customers and boosts their satisfaction. Even if a patron’s cart has expired or emptied, our strategic emails and text messages will guide them back to your event page, encouraging more exploration and purchases.

How does cart abandonment recovery work?

With cart abandonment recovery enabled, your event ticketing interface will present customers with a request to enter their contact information after choosing a ticket quantity. Their name, email and phone number will be collected, and placed in an automated email list to remind them to complete their transaction. The form title and description can be customized, and you’ll have the ability to add your own email template for a truly optimized experience.

Learn more about cart abandonment

Interested in learning about how cart abandonment recovery can help you with patron engagement? Contact us today for a demo of this feature. Book a demo and see it in action

Cart Abandonment recovery settings

Identify patrons who add tickets to their cart but don't follow through with the transaction.

Contact Info

Collect customer contact information before checkout.

Email and Text

Automatically send email and text message reminders.

Form Messaging

Customize form title and description for your unique message.

Email Template Ready

Use any html email template to express your branding and messaging.