Made Up Theatre

A growing Bay Area improv theatre has found continual success with VBO Tickets

Sean Taylor

"VBO Tickets is a one stop shop when it comes to ticketing – providing a centralized system for all box office transactions that's easy-to-use and constantly updated to maintain their innovative edge."

A Interview With

Made Up Theatre

We sat down with Sean at Made Up Theatre to talk about their experience with VBO Tickets as one of our long time clients. Here's what he had to say.

What were some of the difficulties that Made Up Theatre faced prior to partnering with VBO Tickets?

We didn't have a box office, we were only selling tickets online or at the door using a credit card reader. We wanted to have a guest list, so we could customize the way we check people in, and we also wanted to be able to offer discount codes and promotions to patrons and students. We also needed a way to collect data, run reports and communicate with customers in a manner that would not only show how we appreciate them, but would also encourage them to keep coming back.

What unique features of VBO Tickets' software compelled you to choose our platform?

We loved the way we were able to customize the design details of each transaction to include advertisements on tickets, email confirmations and our checkout page. This allowed us to notify customers of upcoming shows and workshops that they might be interested in. We also wanted to establish a reward program for patrons and workshop attendees, and offer ticket packets to students who sign up for courses. VBO Tickets also offered a new feature that enabled us to share upcoming events on social media, which bolstered marketing and outreach efforts.

What challenges did VBO Tickets help your business overcome?

Prior to VBO Tickets, we had no way to communicate with customers. Now, we can send follow-up thank you emails as well as reminders to patrons prior to each event. Reminder emails can include directions and can also inform each customer about concessions available at the theatre so they can come prepared. We also include discount codes on thank you emails, inviting customers to return, and encouraging them to share it with their friends. In addition, VBO Tickets' CRM feature gave us the ability to segment email lists by traits which allowed us to implement targeted marketing campaigns.

What solution surprised you most about VBO Tickets?

Because its cloud-based, there's no need to download software, so users can simply login and see updates each day. I was surprised VBO Tickets' commitment to innovation – they're constantly improving the platform to enhance each user's experience. Because of this, their community of customers benefits from features that have been upgraded and expanded to serve VBO's broad client base. Even though we run a theatre, we've been able to take advantage of the tools developed to meet the needs of museum clients, and adapt them to help our business.

What is your favorite feature that VBO Tickets offers?

Their registration features have made a big difference in how we operate Made Up Theatre. By allowing our team to customize the platform to facilitate waivers and gather emergency contact information – we've been able to improve the way we organize our summer camp sign-ups. The registration feature also helps us gather important information from workshop attendees. Everything is customizable and adaptable, so we can change the way registration is managed for each event type.

Why would you recommend VBO Tickets to another comedy venue?

VBO Tickets' all-in-one platform provides the solution for every need – whether its selling merchandise and tickets, providing membership and subscription opportunities, facilitating marketing campaigns or managing communicating with customers. Their team is easy to work with and always pushing themselves to be the best at what they have to offer.

Thanks Sean!